Sacred Circle of Sound - Solfeggio

From Freewaves Project ************************************** While the research about the "Perfect Circle of Sound" espoused by Leonard G. Horowitz is enlightening work, The Freewaves Project offers some other perspectives for experimentation, and together we may be able to learn more. As some of you may know, I've displayed the sacred geometry discussed here in my Range Guide crest for at least 10 years. I think people are more receptive now to look into this. I see many others are searching along this path as I am, with a common goal with all life in mind. The "7 Grid" accurately displays another perspective to the "Perfect Circle of Sound" which suggests that the Love frequency is 527 (numerologic), not 528, considering the foundation on which the "Perfect Circle of Sound" is based on "verse numbers". I hope that people will join together on this project and share with me what they learn. This is my intention with this webpage, to share with you all. I hope this will be shared freely, and not used by someone without proper credit to those that have brought us to this understanding. I greatly respect Divine Revelation, and live my life by it, and it is where I got the graphical concepts presented here. However, I take acception to those who alude to some sort of superiority, focusing on ethnicity or formal education, as if it gives them better access to Divine Revelation and understanding of higher consciousness. All of us may recieve Divine Revelation. Nevertheless, Dr. Horowitz stimulates us to think on higher levels in revealing Joseph Puleo's work, and we resonate in harmony with Joseph here with this project to continue in the search of the truth. I also believe that Joseph Puleo may have come to different conclusions than Horowitz, and that Joseph may have been exploited by Horowitz, as Joseph's work was used in Horowitz's publications as the main source of information on the Solfeggio, and Joseph got "second billing" on the publication's promotions while Horowtiz continues to egocentricly draw attention to himself, e.g., "I'm from Philadelphia", "I'm" this, that, etc., instead of giving Joseph Puleo the credit due. Where is Joseph Puleo? What we do know for a fact is that the 527 hertz (527 peak amplitudes/cycles measured from peak to peak), or 528 hertz (includes 527 peak amplitudes, but measured from 0 amplitude to 0 amplitude) has phenomenal effects. The idea with this project is to establish frequencies, waves, tones and harmonics pivoting off of 527. We measure a wave by its cycles occuring within a 60 second period. The number 527 comes from having 527 peaks in a wave occuring in 60 seconds. Therefore, math discussions derived from that number must consider man's use of the 60 second time frame. The geometry I've presented is sacred because it is based on what I refer to as "the 7 factor", the number used in Holy Writ. This is where experimentation comes in the most for musical interests. I have an inclination that each of the frequencies may be used, likely as vowel sounds, individually with the human voice for best results. From Leonard G. Horowitz: "3Es were developed by internationally renowned public health authority, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. This award-winning author and respected humanitarian testifies divine revelations and angelic guidance gave him the mathematics, harmonics, and geometrics of our Creator's "Perfect Circle of Sound." Dr. Horowitz's research determined that this math and "music" was used by our Creator to create everything. He believes it was revealed to humanity to encourage and direct us to use this knowledge as per the original model, that is, on water." First, Seven is the number of perfection in the Holy Scriptures, not nine. Seven is the number of the major notes of the scale, not nine. However, the nine, of the 3-6-9 dynamic is included in the sacred numerics of seven (I'll demonstrate this later). This suggests an error in the math by Horowitz' team is that a cycle is measured from 0 amplitute instead of the peak amplitude of the wave, but they are correct about 528 hertz as currently measured with instrumentation. They are also correct about the dynamics of the 528 hertz wave regarding DNA and other "universal" aspects of the 528 hertz wave. Their way of measurement is not consistent with when a wave truly begins, which is at the peak, as when a tuning fork is struck for example. This in turn requires the tuning of the instruments, that measure hertz from 0 amplitude to 0 amplitude, to read 528 instead of 527. If the instruments measured the wave as I do, the dynamic of the "528" wave, which has dramatic effects of DNA, would actually read 527. Below are graphics showing the currently used way to measure a wave in cycles/hertz, and the way I measure a wave below that. Below is the Sacred Circle Of Sound from my research. Note that my Sacred Circle Of Sound has the following numbers and math. Note that there are 3 sets of geometric chords (the lines which return to the point of begining, as if bouncing off mirrors) in this graphic. Only the number 7 has this sacred geometric dynamic! Also note that the second-longest chords make TWO REVOLUTIONS around the circle. Also note the 3D shapes in this graphic. It has been my opinion that this graphic contains a secret to pyramid-power. 282 = 14 = 2 X 7 392 = 14 = 2 X 7 419 = 14 = 2 X 7 527 = 14 = 2 X 7 635 = 14 = 2 X 7 743 = 14 = 2 X 7 950 = 14 = 2 X 7 My math is based on the perfect number 7, which in sacred geometry has 3 sets of geometric chords (as displayed in the large graphic above. 7 is used throughout sacred texts and is the basis for "perfect truth" in math and spiritual-numerics. If you use radionic equipment and wish to apply my frequencies be sure to add 1 hertz to each of my frequencies because of the way the cycles are currently measured on the equipment, e.g., 527 will be 528 on your instruments. Ivan Panin also discovered the sacred 7 numerics in Holy Writ, and submitted over 41,000 pages to the Nobel research foundation with the resolve that ancient Hebrew and Greek writ of the Holy Scriptures were "super-naturally inspired". They agreed with Panin. 9 The distances between Horowitz' math (15/6), regarding the 3-6-9 Pythagoric system, and "mine" (14/5), and the distances between waves are as follows: Horowitz: 396 = 18/9 21 = 3 417 = 12/3 111 = 3 528 = 15/6 111 = 3 639 = 18/9 102 = 3 741 = 12/3 ABSENT Mine: 392 = 14/7 27 = 9 419 = 14/7 108 = 9 527 = 14/7 108 = 9 635 = 14/7 108 = 9 743 = 14/7 108 = 9 851 = 14/7 99 = 18 = 9 950 = 14/7 UPDATE 8-26-6: Fellow researchers have been experimenting with tone generators, and haev found that my frequencies, when played together at the same time, in basic sine wave, are pleasing, and reverberate with the chakras. The triangle wave, I find, is even more stimulating. You can get programs at Voicesync and another program at Freedownloadscenter. Other intriguing research from Dr. Simeon Hein, on crop circles and resonance, that supports my research based on the seven design can be found at the following website: Dr. Hein has documented paranormal energies, that effect equipment, emanating from crop circles of all kinds, no matter who or what is making them, and that there is a resonate effect by the mere design in the geometry and shape of the crop circles. Below are some pics by Lucy Pringle for your consideration. The coned bands radiating out from the center in the crop circle above, as it meets the outer circle, has the same degrees between the closest points as the seven pointed one does. UPDATE 8-27-6: There have been some additional updates at the Crop Circle Language website. You are encouraged to check this out. UPDATE 8-26-6: I've recently heard an interview with Freddy Silva that resonated in my heart a great deal. I highly recommend that you visit Crop Circle Secrets, his website. Another incredible website that I have researched is Jon Depew's Coral Castle Code. He is a great fellow to talk with and is on to something very big, and needs our support too. I highly recommend that you visit this website also. Update 9-10-6: I've been dharing some information with other associates on this project, and have to state that we must be very careful with this work. They have informed me that the wrong frequwencies, if combined in a harmonic fashion can be very disruptive to the human body. This is why I have centered my math around the number seven, resulting in "14/5" configuration based on 527 cycles (5 + 2 + 7 = 14) instead of Horowitz's "15/6" configuration that based on 528 cycles (5 + 2 + 8 = 15). I've already explained that I measure cycles from peak amplitude instead of zero amplitude because a tone does not begin at zero amplitude (nothing), rather peak amplitude (like when a tuning fork has been struck). 528 cycles (527 for math purposes) is well known for its healing qualities. And I feel safe using this as the base reference for the other frequencies. As I began to look further into the relationship of the numerics I've arrived at, I saw that there was a equal distance of 108 digits between the frequencies of 419, 527, 635, 743, and 851. The distance between 392 and 419 is 27 (which reduces to 9 like all of my numbers), and the distance between 851 and 950 is 99 (still reduces to 9). What is notable in this is that the distance of 108 occurs with only five of these numbers. I tend to look for symetry and balance with the math, and so the thought came to me that five frequencies with the distance of 108 was more balanced. In addition to these reducing to 9, when 108 is divided by 9, the answer is 12. 12 is a number that has a great deal of significance in Holy Writ as well. Presently, I have come to lean towards 5 Solfeggio tones instead of 7, and doing some experiments with those five. In support of my current research regarding the appliaction of five of the seven tones I initially arrived at above, I am citing Sheradon Bryce, a highly gifted “intuitive savante” whose genetics and astrophysics concepts have been studied by scientists: “Dimensional realities are either going to be systems of five or systems of twelve. A twelve dimensional reality is a clone reality … Five is an individuating number in dimensions. You were created to be individuated.” This is how we learn in the material world, and then appreciate the oneness we are as part of the whole of the universe.